Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free Drop In Class

Oak Hills Vaulters Free Drop in Class

Try Equestrian Vaulting! You will find an exciting new sport that combines the art of dance and gymnastics on the back of a moving horse. Bring your family, friends, anyone willing to try this incredible sport! Our drop in class will be great for students with none or little experience to learn about vaulting. There will be ground and barrel work as well as practice on the horse in each session.

Our drop in class will run the entire month of April every Wednesday from 4:00 - 5:00 pm regardless of weather. There will be no sign-up needed, just come and bring your family and friends! Wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in and a soft pair of tennis shoes, or a pair of socks that you don’t mind getting dirty.

All drop in classes will be held at Oak Hills Stables. 1435 South 900 East, Salem.

Open to boys and girls of any age and experience. You don’t even have to own your own horse! Our coaches will provide everything you need. For information about and directions to Oak Hills Stables please visit

For more information on our drop in classes specifically please contact Camille Swan. Phone 801-472-7990 or email:

Friday, March 25, 2011

A little taste of the latest pics!

Like what you see?! Check the website and facebook for more!!

Holy Updates

Check our website for all the latest news!
Updated calendar
Updated photos
Updated links
Updated videos
Updated social network pages (youtube and facebook)
Updated GOHA page
GOHA bios with photos added
and much more!!!

(New photos taken by Jefra Starr Linn and Mavanie's Photography at GOHA photo shoot March 2011) Check our facebook page to see all pics!!

Getting an idea for summer 2011

If you are planning or wanting to attend one of our classes this summer make sure you take the time to fill out our survey!

Classes fill up fast so first come first serve!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Catching Up

It has been so long since we have had a post! Here is what has been going on in our parts:

-We held an extremely fun vaulting camp finishing it off with our annual Summer Showcase.
-We went swimming, had dance off competitions, played night games, had a gymnastics clinician and of course lots and lots of vaulting!
-GOHA performed at the Utah County Fair and had a GREAT turnout!
-Had visits from other vaulting teams heading to WEG.
-Sent King to California for some training and in turn got a new horse LEO.
-Lots of freezing cold vaulting! Everyone had to dress super warm and gear up for many cold winter months. (Not so fun)
-Sledding winter Christmas party at the Browns house.
-Coaches KyLynn, Hannah, and Cami joined a composite A TEAM.
-Had a visit from them at Christmas time
-Assistant Coach Zina Allred returned from her Air Force training.
-Coaches KyLynn, Hannah, Zina, and Cami attended the AVA Annual Convention in Vegas
-Had fun roman riding as well as practicing with our A Team.
-We now have 7 classes running as well as private lessons, We officially have more canter vaulters than walk vaulters and our classes are getting fuller and fuller as the sun decides to shine more and more :]
-GOHA recently performed at the St. Patricks Day parade in SLC Utah.
-GOHA had a photo and video shoot and full dress rehearsal to gear up for our season.
-Pics being posted to the website soon

So what is coming up next?!
-GOHA will be performing at the Utah Renaissance Festival and Fantasy Faire all THREE running weekends in May. 18 performances over a span of 3 weekends and 9 days!
-Look for us on Big Buddah channel 13 as the days get closer!
-Class times changing slightly due to weather improvements and our canter classes growing drastically in size!
-A Team continues to practice and communicate with our other half in California
-Excited to start using our new surcingle!
-Training for a new vaulting pony "Spots" begins soon
-Website updates of video and pictures

How do we stay on top of it all?!
-Be sure to "Like" the Oak Hills Vaulters facebook page for recent status updates and photos of all our events!
-Stay tuned on our YouTube page for recent posts of videos
-Check the website calendar for updates on upcoming performances
-Make sure to subscribe to our email list for newsletters, schedule changes, etc.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Showcase and Vaulting Camp

Does vaulting camp sound fun to you?!
We have something planned for all ages!
August 4th-7th.
Ask your coach for details!

The Summer Showcase will be held the last day of camp
August 7th. Don't forget to invite all your family and friends!
See you there!

Upcoming Parades

Here is the info about our upcoming parades for the month of July.

Provo Freedom Festival Parade: Monday July 5th. Around 8:00 am. Time and location will be announced as soon as I find out.

Nephi Ute Stampede Parade: Friday July 16th. We will meet at 3:00 pm at the Nephi City park. If you want to stay for the rodeo tickets are $11.

Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Parade: Saturday July 24th. Around 8:00 am. Exact time and location will be announced. We usually meet up near the Diamond Fork Jr. High.

We will continue to wear the same thing for each parade. Black leggings, ivault tshirt, black undershirt, hair pulled back, and black shoes. If your child is under the age of 5-4, it would be nice if you could tag along and ride our float with us.
A few new rules that I have for the next parade. No vaulter under the age of 12 will be allowed to walk beside the trailer. Our last parade got a little hectic with so many little ones by the truck and trailer tires. Just trying to keep everyone as safe as possible. And as always, no one under the age of 18 will be able to ride either of the horses in the parade. Just another safety and insurance issue.
Thanks for your understanding and let me know if you have any questions! Remember we would love to have ALL vaulters participate in any of our parades, just let your coach know which one you will be able to attend, so they can prepare routines accordingly.

Thanks again,